Donation 奉獻

果子事工(加拿大)是⼀個非牟利的基督教機構。經費來⾃於各教會及主內弟兄姊妹的奉 獻,請使⽤下列任何⽅式作奉獻。願神紀念您的愛⼼支持。

The Vine Fruitful Life Ministry(Canada) is an non-profit Christian organization. We are supported entirely by the freewill offerings of brothers and sisters as well as churches and organizations. Please work with us to fulfill the Great Commandment of Jesus by choosing a preferred donation method. May God bless you abundantly.

1. 直接/預授付款(Direct Deposit/Pre-authorized Deposit )

Royal Bank/RBC (皇家銀行)
Account Number: 00783-003-1010958 
Account Name: The Vine Fruitful Life Ministry (Canada)

2. 電子轉賬 (Interac e-Transfer)

在您的銀行網頁上,可以通過 Interac e-Transfer 轉賬 進行奉獻。更可設定,自動的定時定額來作穩定的奉獻。

  • 在“信息/Message”欄內,請填寫姓名、聯絡電話或電子郵件, 作為發出奉獻收據的資料, 並列明奉獻金額。

Please email  and indicate as offering, with your name, phone number and address if you need receipt for tax deduction.

奉獻收據 Donation Receipt

⼀年內奉獻超過 20 元加幣者,本中⼼將在翌年初寄發報稅收據。
- 姓名
- 聯絡電話/電子郵件
- 郵遞地址
All donations over $20.00 within a year will receive a tax deductible receipt at the beginning of the
next calendar year. Please provide name, phone number, email address and/or mailing address